Christina Boutrup
Fotograf: Kennet Islandi Havgaard

Christina Boutrup

Time to copy China

The Chinese education system is still infamous for producing disciplined robots, but innovation is flourishing and Chinese companies are eating market shares from Western companies.

Christina Boutrup is a business journalist and former Asia Correspondent, currently China analyst for national Danish TV2. She travelled in most parts of The Middle Kingdom and covered areas such as business, economy, environment and social issues for more than a decade, hosting radio- and TV-shows about China. She interviewed Alibaba’s founder Jack Ma and closely followed the global expansion of Chinese companies authoring several books about business in China. In the most recent book "The Great Tech-revolution – How China Shapes our Future", she underscores why all decision makers should pay attention to the Chinese tech-revolution and what companies in the West can learn from China.

Despite censorship and control Chinese tech-companies are leading the way in new digital business models and China is setting new standards for e-commerce, social media, drones, high speed trains, solar and electrical vehicles. Next step is China’s ambitious plan to become a global leader in AI in 2030, already a frontrunner in the application of voice and object recognition. Will China overtake the position of Silicon Valley and become a new innovation power house and what are the implication for Western businesses?


Christina Boutrup

Christina Boutrup


Fotograf: Kennet Islandi Havgaard


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